Added Sound (without play controls) to Insert menu

Added 'abbr' and image maps to Insert menu Formatting options are now better the bold, italic, strikethru and underline buttons are now checkboxes, which makes it easier to format things. Changed some strings in the English (United States) locale to be more correct, like the "Mode" menu being changed to "Theme". Documentation is now included in the ZIP, not required to be downloaded seperately. The About dialog has been completely changed. Rewrote the middle text to be more up-to-date. Theme and language changes are now saved and loaded on startup, via Settings. Fast language switching through the menus, using Resources. The theme is no longer Dark by default. Hypertext IDE 3.9 () (Sorry for the long wait!): The Title box is now an input box, which doesn't allow for new lines any longer. There is now a 'Favicon' option, where you can provide a link to an image which will be the image that shows up on the top bar on the browser.
#Visual basic dark theme android studio code#
The File > Load command has been removed, as it wasn't useful (was more infuriating, because it was pre-compiled HTML code and the editor didn't support that) It also contains the HTML5 declaration data, however it doesn't set that, due to a bug that I have yet to discover. Version 2.0 contains the contents of rtfInput (obviously), but also the page title, CSS and JavaScript field contents and Favicon field content. The project format has been upgraded to version 2.0: Version 1.0 was just a dump of the contents of the main Input box (rtfInput). insert a link is now affected by the language translation (the paragraph text by default is now 'Zażółć gęślą jaźń' in Polish, 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' in English). Fixed a bug where Script and Style tags still appeared even if their respective fields were blank. Fixed a bug where the New command from the File menu didn't reset the Favicon, CSS and JavaScript fields. *Instead of the latest original release, use Hypertext IDE.